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Keeping Your Games Safe From Cheaters

In-game Private Key Management

It's worth noting that gamers with specialized tooling have near absolute control over any games running inside a browser. This means game developers hard coding admin private keys into the game binary, in order to embed signing logic in-game, risks losing both project and user funds.

Here is a video from ChainSafe Solutions explaining how simple it is to hack a WebAssembly (wasm) game with a tool called Cetus, effectively demonstrating why private keys should never be embedded within the game logic, no matter how attractive it might seem for player UX:

Here is another tutorial showcasing how easy it is for hackers to use specialized tooling to hack in-game memory:

The bottom line is for anything that’s running inside a user’s browser or local machine, an adversarial attacker might find ways to hack signing logic embedded within the game and convince it to sign any transaction they like.

Do Not Abuse Specialized Tooling For Malicious Purposes

The point of showcasing these examples is for the ChainSafe Gaming community to PROTECT YOUR GAME first and foremost. If you would like to stop in-game values from being changed by specialized tooling, you can either validate them contract-side, server-side, or use an anti-cheat engine with obfuscation to stop hackers and protect sensitive values.

Please note that these videos have been included for informative/educational purposes. If ChainSafe Gaming catches members of our community using these tools in a malicious way, you will be banned from all services with ChainSafe Gaming.