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ERC-721 Interactions


A standard interface for non-fungible tokens, or NFTs.

Video Explanation Of ERC-721 Prefabs

Here's a video explanation to help you better understand our new ERC-721 prefabs:


In the following code snippet examples, we will use an ERC-721 token contract, as found on the Goerli testnet, called "Chain721 (C721)" for demonstration purposes. We use "0xd25b827D92b0fd656A1c829933e9b0b836d5C3e2" as the example address to fetch from.

Balance Of

Fetches and counts the balance of a specific ERC-721 token for a specific Ethereum account.

using System.Numerics;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.ETHEREUEM.EIP;
using UnityEngine;

public class ERC721BalanceOfExample : MonoBehaviour
async void Start()
string contract = "0x9123541E259125657F03D7AD2A7D1a8Ec79375BA";
string account = "0xd25b827D92b0fd656A1c829933e9b0b836d5C3e2";

BigInteger balance = await ERC721.BalanceOf(contract, account);

Owner Of

Fetches the owner of a specific ERC-721 token for a specific Ethereum account.

using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.ETHEREUEM.EIP;
using UnityEngine;

public class ERC721OwnerOfExample : MonoBehaviour
async void Start()
string contract = "0x9123541E259125657F03D7AD2A7D1a8Ec79375BA";
string tokenId = "1";
string ownerOf = await ERC721.OwnerOf(contract, tokenId);

Owner Of Batch

Returns a list of addresses representing the owners of the specified tokenIds passed in the tokenIds array.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.ETHEREUEM.EIP;
using UnityEngine;

public class ERC721OwnerOfBatchExample : MonoBehaviour
async void Start()
string contract = "0x47381c5c948254e6e0E324F1AA54b7B24104D92D";
string[] tokenIds = { "33", "29" };
string multicall = "0x77dca2c955b15e9de4dbbcf1246b4b85b651e50e"; // optional: multicall contract

List<string> batchOwners = await ERC721.OwnerOfBatch(contract, tokenIds, multicall);
foreach (string owner in batchOwners)
print("OwnerOfBatch: " + owner);


Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) associated with the specified ERC-721 token. The URI may contain metadata about the NFT, such as its name, description, and image.

using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.ETHEREUEM.EIP;
using UnityEngine;

public class ERC721URIExample : MonoBehaviour
async void Start()
string contract = "0x9123541E259125657F03D7AD2A7D1a8Ec79375BA";
string tokenId = "1";

string uri = await ERC721.URI(contract, tokenId);

All 721's

Searches through a specified number of tokenIds for each contract in the nftContracts array, and logs the tokenIds and URIs of the tokens owned by the account.

using UnityEngine;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.ETHEREUEM.EIP;

public class AllErc721 : MonoBehaviour
string account;
int balanceSearched;
public int tokenIdStart;
public int amountOfTokenIdsToSearch;
public string[] nftContracts;

async void Start()
// This is the account taken from the user login scene
account = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Account");
// Searches through your listed contracts
foreach (string contract in nftContracts)
int balance = await ERC721.BalanceOf(contract, account);
Debug.Log("Balance of contract " + contract + ": " + balance);
// if i is less than the selected amount of tokenIDs to search, keep searching
for (int i = 1; i < amountOfTokenIdsToSearch; i++)
// if balanceSearched is less than the balance for each contract, keep searching
if (balanceSearched < balance)
string ownerOf = await ERC721.OwnerOf(contract, (tokenIdStart + i).ToString());
// if token id id matches the account from login, print the tokenID and get the URI
if (ownerOf == account)
string uri = await ERC721.URI(contract, (tokenIdStart + i).ToString());
Debug.Log("TokenID: " + (tokenIdStart + i));
Debug.Log("Token URI: " + uri);