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ERC-1155 Interactions


ERC-1155 is a standard interface for contracts that manage multiple token types. A single deployed contract may include any combination of fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens, or other configurations.

Video Explanation Of ERC-1155 Prefabs

Here's a video explanation to help you better understand the new prefabs in web3.unity's latest release:


In the following code snippet examples, we will use two separate ERC-1155 token contracts for demonstration purposes. Both can be found on the Goerli testnet, with one collection titled "ERC1155", and the other titled "beautiful collection - 1155".

Balance Of

Returns the balance of an ERC-1155 token for a specific Ethereum account.

using System.Numerics;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.ETHEREUEM.EIP;
using UnityEngine;

public class ERC1155BalanceOfExample : MonoBehaviour
async void Start()
string contract = "0x2c1867bc3026178a47a677513746dcc6822a137a";
string account = "0xd25b827D92b0fd656A1c829933e9b0b836d5C3e2";
string tokenId = "603563865116164662793910721003851746789058690951049436470293668557855349050";

BigInteger balanceOf = await ERC1155.BalanceOf(contract, account, tokenId);

Balance Of Batch

Get the balances of multiple tokenIDs owned by multiple accounts for a specific ERC-1155 contract on the Ethereum blockchain. For example:

Get the balance of account 0x990aef1085b2f6480a94bba53cbc03215d321e25 with token id 1 and

balance of account 0x9cd14e32E3B1AAf35D61EBD9066Ef8e3B06b23ad with token id 2

using System.Numerics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.ETHEREUEM.EIP;
using UnityEngine;

public class ERC1155BalanceOfBatchExample : MonoBehaviour
async void Start()
string contract = "0xdc4aff511e1b94677142a43df90f948f9ae181dd";
string[] accounts = { "0x990aef1085b2f6480a94bba53cbc03215d321e25", "0x9cd14e32E3B1AAf35D61EBD9066Ef8e3B06b23ad" };
string[] tokenIds = { "1", "2" };

List<BigInteger> batchBalances = await ERC1155.BalanceOfBatch(contract, accounts, tokenIds);
foreach (var balance in batchBalances)
print("BalanceOfBatch: " + balance);


Returns the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) associated with the specified ERC-1155 token. The URI may contain metadata about the NFT, such as its name, description, and image.

using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.ETHEREUEM.EIP;
using UnityEngine;

public class ERC1155URIExample : MonoBehaviour
async void Start()
string contract = "0x2c1867BC3026178A47a677513746DCc6822A137A";
string tokenId = "603563865116164662793910721003851746789058690951049436470293668557855349050";
string uri = await ERC1155.URI(contract, tokenId);

All 1155's

Retrieves the balance and URI of the specified token for each contract in the nftContracts array.

using System.Numerics;
using UnityEngine;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.ETHEREUEM.EIP;

public class AllErc1155 : MonoBehaviour
string account;
public string tokenIdHex;
public string[] nftContracts;

async void Start()
// This is the account taken from the user login scene
account = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Account");
// Searches through your listed contracts for balance and uri of the chosen tokenId
foreach (string contract in nftContracts)
BigInteger balance = await ERC1155.BalanceOf(contract, account, tokenIdHex);
Debug.Log("Balance of contract " + contract + ": " + balance);
string uri = await ERC1155.URI(contract, tokenIdHex);
Debug.Log("Token URI: " + uri);