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Web3Auth Builds


The Web3Auth build option allows game developers to build Unity games that run on all platforms. Please note that any other scripts and prefabs you use will be dependent on your chosen platform i.e Web3Wallet or WebGL. A scene that showcases all of the wallets features is available after login in web3unity/scenes/web3auth/walletscene. Additionally you can find the prefabs for the functions below in web3unity/prefabs/web3authwallet.

Setting Up Web3Auth

  1. Open package manager to install the Web3Auth package.
  2. Click on web3.unity SDK Web3Auth and install the package.

  1. Under the Samples section, import the sample scenes, and close the window once they are samples are done importing.

  1. Open the sample scene by navigating to Assets -> Samples -> web3.unity SDK Web3Auth -> 2.5.5 -> Web3.Unity Web3Auth Samples -> Scenes -> SampleLogin - Web3Auth.unity
  2. When you double click on the scene, you will see a popup to import TMP Essentials and TMP Examples & Extras. Import both.

  1. Double click on the Canvas in your hierarchy panel to view the Web3Auth scene.

Sign Web3Auth

Generates a cryptographic signature for a given string or message via Web3Auth.

using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.Ethers.Web3AuthWallet;

public class SignW3A : MonoBehaviour
public Text responseText;
public string message = "This is a test message to sign";
private GameObject CSWallet = null;

public void OnEnable()
// resets response text
responseText.text = "";

public void OnSignMessage()
// finds the wallet, sets sign and incoming tx conditions to true and opens
CSWallet = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CSWallet");
W3AWalletUtils.incomingTx = true;
W3AWalletUtils.incomingAction = "Sign";
W3AWalletUtils.incomingMessageData = message;

void Update()
if (W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse != "")
// display signed tx response from wallet
responseText.text = W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse;
W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse = "";

Verify Web3Auth

Verify a signed message via Web3Auth.

using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Text;
using Nethereum.Signer;
using Nethereum.Util;
using UnityEngine;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.Ethers.Web3AuthWallet;

public class VerifyW3A : MonoBehaviour
public Text responseText;
public string message = "hello";
private GameObject CSWallet = null;

public void OnEnable()
// resets response text
responseText.text = "";

public void UserSign()
// finds the wallet, sets sign and incoming tx conditions to true and opens
CSWallet = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CSWallet");
W3AWalletUtils.incomingTx = true;
W3AWalletUtils.incomingAction = "Sign";
W3AWalletUtils.incomingMessageData = message;

public void SignVerifySignature(string signatureString, string originalMessage)
string msg = "\x19" + "Ethereum Signed Message:\n" + originalMessage.Length + originalMessage;
byte[] msgHash = new Sha3Keccack().CalculateHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg));
EthECDSASignature signature = MessageSigner.ExtractEcdsaSignature(signatureString);
EthECKey key = EthECKey.RecoverFromSignature(signature, msgHash);

bool isValid = key.Verify(msgHash, signature);
Debug.Log("Address Returned: " + key.GetPublicAddress());
Debug.Log("Is Valid: " + isValid);
// display signed tx response from wallet
responseText.text = "Verify Address: " + key.GetPublicAddress();

void Update()
if (W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse != "")
SignVerifySignature(W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse, message);
W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse = "";

Transfer ERC-20 Token Through Web3Auth

Send an ERC-20 token transfer through Unity via Web3Auth.

using System;
using System.Numerics;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.Ethers.Contracts;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.Ethers.Web3AuthWallet;

public class TransferW3A: MonoBehaviour
public Text responseText;
public string contractAddress = "0xed7f68Ed23bB75841ab1448A95fa19aA46e9EA3E";
public string toAccount = "0xdA064B1Cef52e19caFF22ae2Cc1A4e8873B8bAB0";
public string amount = "1000000000000000000";
public string contractAbi = "[ { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"mint\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"transfer\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"success\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"constructor\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"Transfer\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"_decimal\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint8\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint8\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"_name\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"_symbol\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"_totalSupply\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_owner\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"balanceOf\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"balance\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"decimals\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint8\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint8\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"name\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"symbol\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"totalSupply\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
private GameObject CSWallet = null;

public void OnEnable()
// resets response text
responseText.text = "";

public void Transfer()
// smart contract method to call
string method = "transfer";
W3AWalletUtils.outgoingContract = contractAddress;
// connects to user's browser wallet (metamask) to send a transaction
try {
// connects to user's browser wallet to call a transaction
var contract = new Contract(contractAbi, contractAddress);
Debug.Log("Contract: " + contract);
var calldata = contract.Calldata(method, new object[]
Debug.Log("Contract Data: " + calldata);
// finds the wallet, sets sign and incoming tx conditions to true and opens
CSWallet = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CSWallet");
W3AWalletUtils.incomingTx = true;
W3AWalletUtils.incomingAction = "Broadcast";
W3AWalletUtils.incomingTxData = calldata;
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.LogException(e, this);

public void Mint()
string account = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Account");
// smart contract method to call
string method = "mint";
W3AWalletUtils.outgoingContract = contractAddress;
// connects to user's browser wallet (metamask) to send a transaction
try {
var contract = new Contract(contractAbi, contractAddress);
Debug.Log("Contract: " + contract);
var calldata = contract.Calldata(method, new object[]
Debug.Log("Contract Data: " + calldata);
// finds the wallet, sets sign and incoming tx conditions to true and opens
CSWallet = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CSWallet");
W3AWalletUtils.incomingTx = true;
W3AWalletUtils.incomingAction = "Broadcast";
W3AWalletUtils.incomingTxData = calldata;
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.LogException(e, this);

void Update()
if (W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse != "")
// display signed tx response from wallet
responseText.text = W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse;
W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse = "";

Call Custom Contracts Web3Auth

Call will execute a smart contract method without altering the smart contract state via Web3Auth.

Solidity Contract Example

This code snippet defines a simple smart contract example where the myTotal variable (initialized at 0) is added to (by the input value _myArg) and updated to a new total.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract AddTotal {
uint256 public myTotal = 0;

function addTotal(uint8 _myArg) public {
myTotal = myTotal + _myArg;

Reading & Writing A Value From A Solidity Contract Web3Auth

Retrieves the value of a specified variable (myTotal) from a smart contract.

using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.Ethers.Contracts;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine;
using Web3Unity.Scripts.Library.Ethers.Web3AuthWallet;

public class ContractCallSignW3A : MonoBehaviour
public string chain = "ethereum";
// set network mainnet, testnet
public string network = "goerli";
// abi in json format
public string contractAbi = "[ { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint8\", \"name\": \"_myArg\", \"type\": \"uint8\" } ], \"name\": \"addTotal\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"myTotal\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
// address of contract
public string contractAddress = "0x741C3F3146304Aaf5200317cbEc0265aB728FE07";
public Text responseText;
private GameObject CSWallet = null;

//Solidity Contract
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

contract AddTotal {
uint256 public myTotal = 0;

function addTotal(uint8 _myArg) public {
myTotal = myTotal + _myArg;

public void OnEnable()
// resets response text
responseText.text = "";

async public void CheckVariable()
string method = "myTotal";
// you can use this to create a provider for hardcoding and parse this instead of rpc get instance
//var provider = new JsonRpcProvider(PlayerPrefs.GetString("RPC"));
var contract = new Contract(contractAbi, contractAddress, RPC.GetInstance.Provider());
Debug.Log("Contract: " + contract);
var calldata = await contract.Call(method, new object[]
// if you need to add parameters you can do so, a call with no args is blank
// arg1,
// arg2
Debug.Log("Contract Data: " + calldata[0]);
// display response in game
print("Contract Variable Total: " + calldata[0]);
responseText.text = "Contract Variable Total: " + calldata[0];

public void AddOneToVariable()
string method = "addTotal";
string amount = "1";
W3AWalletUtils.outgoingContract = contractAddress;
var contract = new Contract(contractAbi, contractAddress);
Debug.Log("Contract: " + contract);
var calldata = contract.Calldata(method, new object[]
// values need to be converted to their data types in solidity
Debug.Log("Contract Data: " + calldata);
// finds the wallet, sets sign and incoming tx conditions to true and opens
CSWallet = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("CSWallet");
W3AWalletUtils.incomingTx = true;
W3AWalletUtils.incomingAction = "Broadcast";
W3AWalletUtils.incomingTxData = calldata;
print("Please check the contract variable again in a few seconds once the chain has processed the request!");

void Update()
if (W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse != "")
// display signed tx response from wallet
responseText.text = W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse;
W3AWalletUtils.signedTxResponse = "";

We hope you enjoy social logins as it offers a unique way to onboard users to the blockchain without actually requiring a wallet.