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Prefab Scripts


In order to copy and paste the scripts below without hassle you will need to have the sample package imported via unity package manager. If you need to install the sample package you can follow the install guide in our getting started section here.

The login scene

You'll notice when you import the samples into the project that some scenes are added to your build configuration. You'll want to keep the login scene as the first scene as it's needed to initialize web3 to create a wallet connection. You can remove the rest and add a blank scene as your 2nd scene in build settings. We'll use this 2nd scene to drop scripts in and out of for testing purposes. Make sure your 2nd scene has an event system present in the hierarchy or the scripts won't work. You can right click in the object hierarchy on the left and go to UI -> Event system to add one if it isn't there.

Adding a script to a scene for testing

If you right click in the unity explorer you can create a c# script. For example we're going to test erc20NameOf to get the name of an ERC20 token from chain data. Right click in the editor file explorer and create a new script, attach this script to an empty object in the scene next to the editor system. Name the script erc20NameOf, place the code below into it and press save. Once saved you can go back to the editor, create a button and assign the scripts public function to a button press event on the right. You can do this by finding the objects properties on the right, scrolling down to button and adding an event. Just drag the object with the script into the button event area and choose the starting function of the script.

ERC20 Prefab Scripts

Name Of

Fetches the name of an ERC20 contract.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the name of an ERC20 contract
/// </summary>
public class Erc20NameOf : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x358969310231363CBEcFEFe47323139569D8a88b";

// Function
public async void Name()
var response = await Erc20.Name(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress);
Debug.Log($"Balace: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line


Fetches the symbol of an ERC20 contract.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the symbol of an ERC20 contract
/// </summary>
public class Erc20Symbol : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x358969310231363CBEcFEFe47323139569D8a88b";

// Function
public async void Symbol()
var response = await Erc20.Symbol(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress);
Debug.Log($"Symbol: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line


Fetches the decimals of an ERC20 contract.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the decimals of an ERC20 contract
/// </summary>
public class Erc20Decimals : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x358969310231363CBEcFEFe47323139569D8a88b";

// Function
public async void Decimals()
var response = await Erc20.Decimals(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress);
Debug.Log($"Decimals: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Total Supply

Fetches the total supply of an ERC20 token.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the total supply of an ERC20 contract
/// </summary>
public class Erc20TotalSupply : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x358969310231363CBEcFEFe47323139569D8a88b";

// Function
public async void TotalSupply()
var response = await Erc20.TotalSupply(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress);
Debug.Log($"Total Supply: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Balance Of

Fetches the balance of an ERC20 token from an account.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the balance of an ERC20 token from an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc20BalanceOf : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x358969310231363CBEcFEFe47323139569D8a88b";

// Function
public async void BalanceOf()
// Sets the account to be queried, you can change this to be any address
string account = PlayerPrefs.GetString("PlayerAccount");
var response = await Erc20.BalanceOf(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, account);
Debug.Log($"Balance Of: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Balance Of Custom Token

Fetches the balance of a custom ERC20 token from an account.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the balance of a custom ERC20 token from an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc20CustomTokenBalanceOf : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x358969310231363CBEcFEFe47323139569D8a88b";
private string contractAbi = "[ { \"inputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"constructor\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"spender\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"allowance\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"needed\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC20InsufficientAllowance\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"sender\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"balance\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"needed\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC20InsufficientBalance\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"approver\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC20InvalidApprover\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"receiver\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC20InvalidReceiver\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"sender\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC20InvalidSender\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"spender\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC20InvalidSpender\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"spender\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"Approval\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"Transfer\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"spender\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"allowance\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"spender\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"approve\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"balanceOf\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"decimals\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint8\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint8\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_amount\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"mint\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"name\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"symbol\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"totalSupply\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"transfer\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"transferFrom\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";

public async void CustomTokenBalanceOf()
var response = await Erc20.CustomTokenBalance(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAbi, contractAddress);
Debug.Log($"Custom Balance Of: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Native Balance Of

Fetches the native balance of an ERC20 token from an account.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the native balance of an ERC20 token from an account.
/// </summary>
public class Erc20NativeBalanceOf : MonoBehaviour
public async void NativeBalanceOf()
// Sets the account to be queried, you can change this to be any address
string account = PlayerPrefs.GetString("PlayerAccount");
var response = await Erc20.NativeBalanceOf(Web3Accessor.Web3, account);
Debug.Log($"Native Balance Of: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line


Mints ERC20 tokens to an account.

using System.Numerics;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Mints ERC20 tokens to an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc20Mint : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x358969310231363CBEcFEFe47323139569D8a88b";
private BigInteger amount = 1;

// Function
public async void MintErc20()
// Sets the account to mint to, you can change this to be any address
string toAccount = await Web3Accessor.Web3.Signer.GetAddress();
var data = await Erc20.MintErc20(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, toAccount, amount);
var response = SampleOutputUtil.BuildOutputValue(data);
Debug.Log($"TX: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line


Transfers ERC20 tokens to an account.

using System.Numerics;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Transfers ERC20 tokens to an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc20Transfer : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x358969310231363CBEcFEFe47323139569D8a88b";
private string toAccount = "0xdD4c825203f97984e7867F11eeCc813A036089D1";
private BigInteger amount = 1000000000000000;

// Function
public async void TransferErc20()
var data = await Erc20.TransferErc20(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, toAccount, amount);
var response = SampleOutputUtil.BuildOutputValue(data);
Debug.Log($"TX: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

ERC721 Prefab Scripts

Balance Of

Fetches the balance of ERC721 NFTs from an account

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the balance of ERC721 NFTs from an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc721BalanceOf : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x4f75BB7bdd6f7A0fD32f1b3A94dfF409F5a3F1CC";

// Function
public async void BalanceOf()
// Sets the account to be queried, you can change this to be any address
string account = PlayerPrefs.GetString("PlayerAccount");
var response = await Erc721.BalanceOf(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, account);
Debug.Log($"Balance Of: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Owner Of

Fetches the owner of an ERC721 token id.

using System.Numerics;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the owner of an ERC721 token id
/// </summary>
public class Erc721OwnerOf : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x4f75BB7bdd6f7A0fD32f1b3A94dfF409F5a3F1CC";
private string tokenId = "1";

// Function
public async void OwnerOf()
var response = tokenId.StartsWith("0x") ?
await Erc721.OwnerOf(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, tokenId)
: await Erc721.OwnerOf(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, BigInteger.Parse(tokenId));
Debug.Log($"Owner: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Owner Of Batch

Fetches the owners of ERC721 token ids.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the owners of ERC721 token ids
/// </summary>
public class Erc721OwnerOfBatch : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x4f75BB7bdd6f7A0fD32f1b3A94dfF409F5a3F1CC";
private string[] tokenIds = { "4", "6" };

// Function
public async void OwnerOfBatch()
var data = await Erc721.OwnerOfBatch(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, tokenIds);
var response = $"{data.Count} owner(s):\n" + string.Join(",\n", data);
Debug.Log($"Owners: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line


Fetches the URI from an ERC721 NFT.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the URI from an ERC721 NFT
/// </summary>
public class Erc721Uri : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "QmfUHuFj3YL2JMZkyXNtGRV8e9aLJgQ6gcSrqbfjWFvbqQ";
private string tokenId = "1";

// Function
public async void Uri()
var response = await Erc721.Uri(Web3Accessor.Web3, Contracts.Erc721, tokenId);
Debug.Log($"Uri: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Mint 721

Mints a 721 NFT to an account.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Mints a 721 NFT to an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc721Mint : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string abi = "[ { \"inputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"constructor\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"sender\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC721IncorrectOwner\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC721InsufficientApproval\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"approver\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC721InvalidApprover\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC721InvalidOperator\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC721InvalidOwner\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"receiver\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC721InvalidReceiver\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"sender\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC721InvalidSender\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC721NonexistentToken\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"approved\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"Approval\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"approved\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"name\": \"ApprovalForAll\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_fromTokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_toTokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"BatchMetadataUpdate\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"MetadataUpdate\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"Transfer\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"approve\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"balanceOf\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"getApproved\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"isApprovedForAll\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"name\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"ownerOf\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"_uri\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"name\": \"safeMint\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"safeTransferFrom\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"bytes\", \"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"bytes\" } ], \"name\": \"safeTransferFrom\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"approved\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"name\": \"setApprovalForAll\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bytes4\", \"name\": \"interfaceId\", \"type\": \"bytes4\" } ], \"name\": \"supportsInterface\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"symbol\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"tokenURI\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"transferFrom\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
private string contractAddress = "0x4f75BB7bdd6f7A0fD32f1b3A94dfF409F5a3F1CC";
private string uri = "QmfUHuFj3YL2JMZkyXNtGRV8e9aLJgQ6gcSrqbfjWFvbqQ";

// Function
public async void MintErc721()
var data = await Erc721.MintErc721(Web3Accessor.Web3, abi, contractAddress, uri);
var response = SampleOutputUtil.BuildOutputValue(data);
Debug.Log($"TX: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line


Transfers an ERC721 token to an account.

using System.Numerics;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Transfers an ERC721 token to an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc721Transfer : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0x4f75BB7bdd6f7A0fD32f1b3A94dfF409F5a3F1CC";
private string toAccount = "0xdD4c825203f97984e7867F11eeCc813A036089D1";
private BigInteger tokenId = 1;

// Function
public async void TransferErc721()
var data = await Erc721.TransferErc721(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, toAccount, tokenId);
var response = SampleOutputUtil.BuildOutputValue(data);
Debug.Log($"TX: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

ERC1155 Prefab Scripts

Balance Of

Fetches the balance of ERC1155 NFTs from an account.

using System.Numerics;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the balance of ERC1155 NFTs from an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc1155BalanceOf : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0xAA2EbE78aa788d13AfFaaefD38C93333bbC4d51e";
private string tokenId = "1";

// Function
public async void BalanceOf()
// Sets the account to be queried, you can change this to be any address
string account = PlayerPrefs.GetString("PlayerAccount");
var response = tokenId.StartsWith("0x") ?
await Erc1155.BalanceOf(Web3Accessor.Web3, Contracts.Erc1155, account, tokenId)
: await Erc1155.BalanceOf(Web3Accessor.Web3, Contracts.Erc1155, account, BigInteger.Parse(tokenId));
Debug.Log($"Balance Of: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Balance Of Batch

Fetches the balance of ERC1155 NFTs from multiple accounts.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the balance of ERC1155 NFTs from multiple accounts
/// </summary>
public class Erc1155BalanceOfBatch : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0xdc4aff511e1b94677142a43df90f948f9ae181dd";
private string[] accounts = { "0xd25b827D92b0fd656A1c829933e9b0b836d5C3e2", "0xE51995Cdb3b1c109E0e6E67ab5aB31CDdBB83E4a" };
private string[] tokenIds = { "1", "2" };

public async void BalanceOfBatch()
var data = await Erc1155.BalanceOfBatch(Web3Accessor.Web3, Contracts.Erc1155, accounts, tokenIds);
var response = string.Join(", ", data);
Debug.Log($"Balance Of Batch: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Import Texture

Fetches the texture of an ERC1155 NFT and displays it to a raw image.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the texture of an ERC1155 NFT and displays it to a raw image
/// </summary>
public class Erc1155ImportTexture : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
// You need to assign this raw image object in the editor
public RawImage rawImage;
private string contractAddress = "0xAA2EbE78aa788d13AfFaaefD38C93333bbC4d51e";
private string tokenId = "1";

// Function
public async void ImportNftTexture1155()
var response = await Erc1155.ImportNftTexture1155(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, tokenId);
rawImage.texture = response;
// You can make additional changes after this line


Fetches the URI from an ERC1155 NFT.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Fetches the URI from an ERC1155 NFT
/// </summary>
public class Erc1155Uri : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string contractAddress = "0xAA2EbE78aa788d13AfFaaefD38C93333bbC4d51e";
private string tokenId = "1";

// Function
public async void Uri()
var response = await Erc1155.Uri(Web3Accessor.Web3, contractAddress, tokenId);
Debug.Log($"Uri: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Mint 1155

Mints a 1155 NFT to an account.

using System.Numerics;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Mints a 1155 NFT to an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc1155Mint : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string abi = "[ { \"inputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"constructor\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"sender\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"balance\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"needed\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"tokenId\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC1155InsufficientBalance\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"approver\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC1155InvalidApprover\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"idsLength\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"valuesLength\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC1155InvalidArrayLength\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC1155InvalidOperator\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"receiver\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC1155InvalidReceiver\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"sender\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC1155InvalidSender\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"owner\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"ERC1155MissingApprovalForAll\", \"type\": \"error\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"approved\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"name\": \"ApprovalForAll\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256[]\", \"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"uint256[]\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256[]\", \"name\": \"values\", \"type\": \"uint256[]\" } ], \"name\": \"TransferBatch\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"TransferSingle\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"anonymous\": false, \"inputs\": [ { \"indexed\": false, \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"string\" }, { \"indexed\": true, \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"URI\", \"type\": \"event\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"balanceOf\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address[]\", \"name\": \"accounts\", \"type\": \"address[]\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256[]\", \"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"uint256[]\" } ], \"name\": \"balanceOfBatch\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256[]\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256[]\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"account\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"isApprovedForAll\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_id\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_amount\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"bytes\", \"name\": \"_data\", \"type\": \"bytes\" } ], \"name\": \"mint\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"_to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256[]\", \"name\": \"_ids\", \"type\": \"uint256[]\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256[]\", \"name\": \"_amounts\", \"type\": \"uint256[]\" }, { \"internalType\": \"bytes\", \"name\": \"_data\", \"type\": \"bytes\" } ], \"name\": \"mintBatch\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256[]\", \"name\": \"ids\", \"type\": \"uint256[]\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256[]\", \"name\": \"values\", \"type\": \"uint256[]\" }, { \"internalType\": \"bytes\", \"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"bytes\" } ], \"name\": \"safeBatchTransferFrom\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"from\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"to\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"id\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"value\", \"type\": \"uint256\" }, { \"internalType\": \"bytes\", \"name\": \"data\", \"type\": \"bytes\" } ], \"name\": \"safeTransferFrom\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"operator\", \"type\": \"address\" }, { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"approved\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"name\": \"setApprovalForAll\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bytes4\", \"name\": \"interfaceId\", \"type\": \"bytes4\" } ], \"name\": \"supportsInterface\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"bool\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"bool\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"uri\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
private string contractAddress = "0xAA2EbE78aa788d13AfFaaefD38C93333bbC4d51e";
private BigInteger id = 1;
private BigInteger amount = 1;

// Function
public async void MintErc1155()
var data = await Erc1155.MintErc1155(Web3Accessor.Web3, abi, contractAddress, id, amount);
var response = SampleOutputUtil.BuildOutputValue(data);
Debug.Log($"TX: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line


Transfer ERC1155 tokens to an account.

using System.Numerics;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Transfer ERC1155 tokens to an account
/// </summary>
public class Erc1155Transfer : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string toAccount = "0xdD4c825203f97984e7867F11eeCc813A036089D1";
private string contractAddress = "0xAA2EbE78aa788d13AfFaaefD38C93333bbC4d51e";
private BigInteger tokenId = 1;
private BigInteger amount = 1;

// Function
public async void TransferErc1155()
var data = await Erc1155.TransferErc1155(Web3Accessor.Web3, Contracts.Erc1155, tokenId, amount, toAccount);
var response = SampleOutputUtil.BuildOutputValue(data);
Debug.Log($"TX: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

EVM Prefabs

IPFS Upload

Uploads to IPFS.

using Web3Unity.Scripts.Prefabs;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Uploads to IPFS
/// </summary>
public class IpfsUpload : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string apiKey = "YOUR_CHAINSAFE_STORE_API_KEY";
private string data = "YOUR_DATA";
private string bucketId = "BUCKET_ID";
private string path = "/PATH";
private string filename = "FILENAME.EXT";

// Function
public async void IPFSUpload()
var cid = await Evm.Upload(new IpfsUploadRequest
ApiKey = apiKey,
Data = data,
BucketId = bucketId,
Path = path,
Filename = filename
Debug.Log($"Cid: {cid}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Contract Call

Makes a read call to a contract.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Makes a read call to a contract
/// </summary>
public class CallContract : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string abi = "[ { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_myArg\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"addTotal\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"getStore\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"myTotal\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"_addresses\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"name\": \"setStore\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
private string contractAddress = "0x9839293240C535d8009920390b4D3DA256d31177";
private string method = "myTotal";

// Function
public async void ContractCall()
object[] args =
await Web3Accessor.Web3.Signer.GetAddress()
var data = await Evm.ContractCall(Web3Accessor.Web3, method, abi, contractAddress, args);
var response = SampleOutputUtil.BuildOutputValue(data);
Debug.Log($"Output: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Contract Send

Makes a write call to a contract.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Makes a write call to a contract
/// </summary>
public class SendContract : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string abi = "[ { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_myArg\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"addTotal\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"getStore\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"myTotal\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"_addresses\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"name\": \"setStore\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
private string contractAddress = "0x9839293240C535d8009920390b4D3DA256d31177";
private string method = "addTotal";
private int increaseAmount = 1;
// Value for sending native tokens with a transaction for payable functions
// To use just add "value" as the last parameter of evm.ContractSend
// private HexBigInteger value = new HexBigInteger(1000000000000000);

// Function
public async void ContractSend()
object[] args =
var data = await Evm.ContractSend(Web3Accessor.Web3, method, abi, contractAddress, args);
var response = SampleOutputUtil.BuildOutputValue(data);
Debug.Log($"TX: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Get Array

Gets an array response from a contract.

using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Gets an array response from a contract
/// </summary>
public class GetArray : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string abi = "[ { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_myArg\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"addTotal\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"getStore\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"myTotal\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"_addresses\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"name\": \"setStore\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
private string contractAddress = "0x9839293240C535d8009920390b4D3DA256d31177";
private string method = "getStore";

// Function
public async void GetArrayCall()
var data = await Evm.GetArray(Web3Accessor.Web3, Contracts.ArrayTotal, ABI.ArrayTotal, method);
var response = string.Join(",\n", data.Select((list, i) => $"#{i} {string.Join((string)", ", (IEnumerable<string>)list)}"));
Debug.Log($"Result: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Send Array

Sends an array to a contract.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Sends an array to a contract
/// </summary>
public class SendArray : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string abi = "[ { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_myArg\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"addTotal\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"getStore\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"myTotal\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"_addresses\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"name\": \"setStore\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
private string contractAddress = "0x9839293240C535d8009920390b4D3DA256d31177";
private string method = "setStore";
private string[] stringArray =

// Function
public async void SendArrayCall()
var data = await Evm.SendArray(Web3Accessor.Web3, method, ABI.ArrayTotal, Contracts.ArrayTotal, stringArray);
var response = SampleOutputUtil.BuildOutputValue(data);
Debug.Log($"Result: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Get Block Number

Gets the current block number.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Gets the current block number
/// </summary>
public class GetBlockNumber : MonoBehaviour
// Function
public async void GetBlockNumberCall()
var response = await Evm.GetBlockNumber(Web3Accessor.Web3);
Debug.Log($"Block Number: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Get Gas Limit

Gets the current gas limit.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Gets the current gas limit
/// </summary>
public class GetGasLimit : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string abi = "[ { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"_myArg\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"name\": \"addTotal\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [], \"name\": \"getStore\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"address\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"address\" } ], \"name\": \"myTotal\", \"outputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"uint256\", \"name\": \"\", \"type\": \"uint256\" } ], \"stateMutability\": \"view\", \"type\": \"function\" }, { \"inputs\": [ { \"internalType\": \"string[]\", \"name\": \"_addresses\", \"type\": \"string[]\" } ], \"name\": \"setStore\", \"outputs\": [], \"stateMutability\": \"nonpayable\", \"type\": \"function\" } ]";
private string contractAddress = "0x9839293240C535d8009920390b4D3DA256d31177";
private string method = "addTotal";
private int increaseAmount = 1;

public async void GetGasLimitCall()
object[] args =
var response = await Evm.GetGasLimit(Web3Accessor.Web3, abi, contractAddress, method, args);
Debug.Log($"Gas Limit: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Get Gas Price

Gets the current gas price.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Gets the current gas price
/// </summary>
public class GetGasPrice : MonoBehaviour
// Function
public async void GetGasPriceCall()
var response = await Evm.GetGasPrice(Web3Accessor.Web3);
Debug.Log($"Gas Price: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Get Nonce

Gets the current nonce for an account.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Gets the current nonce for an account
/// </summary>
public class GetNonce : MonoBehaviour
// Function
public async void GetNonceCall()
var response = await Evm.GetNonce(Web3Accessor.Web3);
Debug.Log($"Nonce: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line


Encrypts a message with SHA3.

using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Encrypts a message with SHA3
/// </summary>
public class Sha3 : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string message = "It’s dangerous to go alone, take this!";

// Function
public void Sha3Call()
var response = Evm.Sha3(message);
Debug.Log($"Sha3 Hash: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Sign Message

Signs a message, the response is unique for each user.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Signs a message, the response is unique for each user
/// </summary>
public class SignMessage : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string message = "The right man in the wrong place can make all the difference in the world.";

// Function
public async void SignMessageCall()
var response = await Evm.SignMessage(Web3Accessor.Web3, message);
Debug.Log($"Signed Message: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Sign Verify

Verifies a users account via message sign.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Verifies a users account via message sign
/// </summary>
public class SignVerify : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string message = "A man chooses, a slave obeys.";

// Function
public async void SignVerifyCall()
var data = await Evm.SignVerify(Web3Accessor.Web3, message);
var response = data ? "Verified" : "Failed to verify";
Debug.Log($"Verified: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Send Transaction

Sends a transaction.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Sends a transaction
/// </summary>
public class SendTransaction : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string to = "0xdD4c825203f97984e7867F11eeCc813A036089D1";

public async void SendTransactionCall()
var response = await Evm.SendTransaction(Web3Accessor.Web3, to);
Debug.Log($"TX: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Get Transaction Status

Gets the status of a transaction.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Gets the status of a transaction
/// </summary>
public class GetTransactionStatus : MonoBehaviour
// Function
public async void GetTransactionStatusCall()
var receipt = await Evm.GetTransactionStatus(Web3Accessor.Web3);
var response = $"Confirmations: {receipt.Confirmations}," +
$" Block Number: {receipt.BlockNumber}," +
$" Status {receipt.Status}";
Debug.Log($"Transation Status: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Get Event Data Via Transaction Receipt

using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.Evm.Contracts.Extensions;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Nethereum.ABI.FunctionEncoding.Attributes;
using Nethereum.RPC.Eth.DTOs;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/// <summary>
/// Class for the event data that we're calling, this must match the solidity event i.e. event AmountIncreased(address indexed wallet, uint256 amount);
/// </summary>
public class AmountIncreasedEvent : IEventDTO
[Parameter("address", "wallet", 1, true)]
public string wallet { get; set; }

[Parameter("uint256", "amount", 2, false)]
public BigInteger amount { get; set; }

public class GetTxDataFromReceipt : MonoBehaviour

/// <summary>
/// Gets events data from a transaction, in this case the wallet and the amount in the event
/// </summary>
public async void EventTxData()
string eventContract = "0x9832B82746a4316E9E3A5e6c7ea02451bdAC4546";
// Contract write
var amount = 1;
object[] args =
var contract = Web3Accessor.Web3.ContractBuilder.Build(ABI.ArrayTotal, eventContract);
var data = await contract.SendWithReceipt("addTotal", args);
// Quick pause to deal with chain congestion
await new WaitForSeconds(2);
// Event data from receipt
var logs = data.receipt.Logs.Select(jToken => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FilterLog>(jToken.ToString()));
var eventAbi = EventExtensions.GetEventABI<AmountIncreasedEvent>();
var eventLogs = logs
.Select(log => eventAbi.DecodeEvent<AmountIncreasedEvent>(log))
.Where(l => l != null);

if (!eventLogs.Any())
Debug.Log("No event data");
Debug.Log("Event data found");
foreach (var eventLog in eventLogs)
var eventData = eventLog.Event;
Debug.Log($"Wallet from event data: {eventData.wallet}");
Debug.Log($"Amount from event data: {eventData.amount}");

Registered Contract

Allows a contract to be registered for easy calling.

using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Allows a contract to be registered for easy calling
/// </summary>
public class RegisteredContract : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string registeredContractName = "CsTestErc20";
// Function
public async void RegisteredContractCall()
var response = await Evm.UseRegisteredContract(Web3Accessor.Web3, registeredContractName, EthMethod.BalanceOf);
Debug.Log($"Balance Of: {response.ToString()}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

ECDSA Sign Transaction

Signs a transaction with an ECDSA key

using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Signs a transaction with an ECDSA key.
/// </summary>
public class EcdsaSignTransaction : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
// Variables
private string ecdsaKey = "0x78dae1a22c7507a4ed30c06172e7614eb168d3546c13856340771e63ad3c0081";
private string chainId ="11155111";
private string transactionHash = "0x123456789";

// Function
public void EcdsaSignTransactionCall()
var response = Evm.EcdsaSignTransaction(ecdsaKey, transactionHash, chainId);
Debug.Log($"TX: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

ECDSA Get Address

Gets the public address the private key belongs to.

using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Gets the public address the private key belongs to.
/// </summary>
public class EcdsaGetAddress : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string ecdsaKey = "0x78dae1a22c7507a4ed30c06172e7614eb168d3546c13856340771e63ad3c0081";

// Function
public void EcdsaGetAddressCall()
var response = Evm.EcdsaGetAddress(ecdsaKey);
Debug.Log($"Address: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

ECDSA Sign Message

Signs a message using a private key.

using Scripts.EVM.Token;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Signs a message using a private key
/// </summary>
public class EcdsaSignMessage : MonoBehaviour
// Variables
private string ecdsaKey = "0x78dae1a22c7507a4ed30c06172e7614eb168d3546c13856340771e63ad3c0081";
private string message = "secretmessage";

// Function
public void EcdsaSignMessageCall()
var response = Evm.EcdsaSignMessage(ecdsaKey, message);
Debug.Log($"Signed Message: {response}");
// You can make additional changes after this line

Gelato Prefabs

Gelato Call With Sync Fee

Allows sponsor calling to Gelato with sync fee.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Allows sponsor calling to Gelato with sync fee
/// </summary>
public class GelatoCallWithSyncFee : MonoBehaviour
public async void CallWithSyncFee()
gelato = new GelatoSample(Web3Accessor.Web3);
var result = await gelato.CallWithSyncFee();
$"Task complete. Final status of {result.TaskId}: {result.Status.TaskState}. " +
$"Transaction hash: {result.Status.TransactionHash}",
nameof(GelatoSample), nameof(GelatoSample.CallWithSyncFee));
// You can make additional changes after this line

Gelato Call With Sync Fee ERC2771

Allows sponsor calling to Gelato with sync fee for ERC2771.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Allows sponsor calling to Gelato with sync fee for ERC2771
/// </summary>
public class GelatoCallWithSyncFeeErc2771 : MonoBehaviour
public async void CallWithSyncFeeErc2771()
gelato = new GelatoSample(Web3Accessor.Web3);
var result = await gelato.CallWithSyncFeeErc2771();
$"Task complete. Final status of {result.TaskId}: {result.Status.TaskState}. " +
$"Transaction hash: {result.Status.TransactionHash}",
nameof(GelatoSample), nameof(GelatoSample.CallWithSyncFeeErc2771));
// You can make additional changes after this line

Gelato Sponsor Call

Allows sponsor calling to Gelato.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Allows sponsor calling to Gelato
/// </summary>
public class GelatoSponsorCall : MonoBehaviour
public async void SponsorCall()
gelato = new GelatoSample(Web3Accessor.Web3);
var result = await gelato.SponsorCall();
$"Task complete. Final status of {result.TaskId}: {result.Status.TaskState}. " +
$"Transaction hash: {result.Status.TransactionHash}",
nameof(GelatoSample), nameof(GelatoSample.SponsorCall));
// You can make additional changes after this line

Gelato Sponsor Call ERC2771

Allows sponsor calling to Gelato for ERC2771.

using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ChainSafe.Gaming.UnityPackage;
using UnityEngine;

/* This prefab script should be copied & placed on the root of an object in a scene.
Change the class name, variables and add any additional changes at the end of the function.
The scripts function should be called by a method of your choosing - button, function etc */

/// <summary>
/// Allows sponsor calling to Gelato for ERC2771
/// </summary>
public class GelatoSponsorCallErc2771 : MonoBehaviour
public async void SponsorCallErc2771()
gelato = new GelatoSample(Web3Accessor.Web3);
var result = await gelato.SponsorCallErc2771();
$"Task complete. Final status of {result.TaskId}: {result.Status.TaskState}. " +
$"Transaction hash: {result.Status.TransactionHash}",
nameof(GelatoSample), nameof(GelatoSample.SponsorCallErc2771));
// You can make additional changes after this line