This page will walk you through our newest feature, lootboxes. It's a nifty little way to offer in game sales of items with a sense of randomness.
What Are Lootboxes?
Lootboxes are a great way to offer your users NFTs, tokens & variety of other things in a gamified way. Many things from cosmetics to in game items can be offered with a sense of randomness via the Chainlink VRF to help facilitate anticipation and hopefully a fun way to bring developers some much needed revenue.
- You can import our Lootboxes sample scene by navigating to Window → Package Manager.
- Add a new package by name by pressing + and adding via git url and entering
- Once the package is installed, click on the Samples tab. Import the samples.
- Once imported, you can find the scene by navigating to Samples → web3.unity SDK → 2.6 → Web3.Unity Samples → Scenes → SampleLogin - Lootboxes.
- Click on the Login Logic - Ramp object and in the inspector, modify the Scene To Load to your preferred scene.
- Add the Lootboxes scene and your scene to the build settings, and you’re done.
What is Chainlink VRF?
VRF stands for Verifiable Random Function, the team over at Chainlink have created this number generator. It generates random numbers along with verification on chain before any consuming applications can get their hands on it. This amazing number generator is built for blockchains, it provides cryptographically secure randomness for your contract functions. To find out more about Chainlink VRF you can check out the documentation here.
Solidity Contracts
The repo for the lootbox contracts can be found here.
Deploying a new Lootbox
New lootboxes can be deployed by navigating to the Lootbox section. When you click on the section you will see a brief explanation on what lootboxes are as well as the requirements needed to use them. Press Continue to get started.
Adding Token Contracts To Your Lootbox
The first step is to whitelist the tokens you want to place into the lootboxes. This ensures that only approved tokens can become available in your lootboxes.
Granting Depositor Access To Your Lootbox
Add approved addresses to prevent unauthorized deposits.
Sending Loot To A Contract
This area can be used to send loot to a contract.
Updating Your Lootbox Rewards
Here you can update all of the various reward amounts that your lootboxes contain as well as any remaining balances from your suppliers.
Minting & Transferring
Here you can send lootboxes with reward amounts out to your friends, Dapps, and other smart contracts.
Lootbox Functions Within The SDK
Altering Login Scene Transition
To use the lootbox example scene with the login scene you'll need to alter the inspector value on the login object in the login scene hierarchy to your scene name as show below. By default it will be set the sample scene for examples sake.
Get Loot box Types
This method returns all lootbox type ids registered in the smart-contract. Lootbox type id also represents the number of rewards, that can be claimed by user when he opens the lootbox.
public async Task<List<uint>> GetLootboxTypes()
var response = await contract.Call("getLootboxTypes");
var bigIntTypes = (List<BigInteger>)response[0];
if (bigIntTypes.Any(v => v > int.MaxValue))
throw new Web3Exception(
"Internal Error. Lootbox type is greater than int.MaxValue.");
var types = bigIntTypes.Select(bigInt => (uint)bigInt).ToList();
return types;
Balance Of
This method returns the balance of lootboxes by type or specific user. Similar to how some games work, this may be used to display lootboxes in an inventory.
public async Task<uint> BalanceOf(uint lootboxType)
if (signer is null)
throw new Web3Exception($"No {nameof(ISigner)} was registered. Can't get current user's address.");
var playerAddress = await signer.GetAddress();
return await BalanceOf(playerAddress, lootboxType);
public async Task<uint> BalanceOf(string account, uint lootboxType)
var response = await contract.Call(
new object[] { account, lootboxType });
var bigIntBalance = (BigInteger)response[0];
if (bigIntBalance > int.MaxValue)
throw new Web3Exception(
"Internal Error. Balance is greater than int.MaxValue.");
var balance = (uint)bigIntBalance;
return balance;
Calculate Open Price
Calculates open price for the player. This can be used to display the total cost a user would need to pay for opening X amount of lootboxes.
public async Task<BigInteger> CalculateOpenPrice(uint lootboxType, uint lootboxCount)
var rewardCount = lootboxType * lootboxCount;
var rawGasPrice = (await rpcProvider.GetGasPrice()).AssertNotNull("gasPrice").Value;
var safeGasPrice = rawGasPrice + BigInteger.Divide(rawGasPrice, new BigInteger(10)); // 110%
var response = await contract.Call(
new object[] { 50000 + GasPerUnit * rewardCount, safeGasPrice, rewardCount, });
var openPrice = (BigInteger)response[0];
return openPrice;
Can Claim Rewards
This method checks if a user can claim their lootbox rewards. It's a great little security check you can run before claiming.
public async Task<bool> CanClaimRewards(string account)
var response = await contract.Call(
new object[] { account });
var canClaimRewards = (bool)response[0];
return canClaimRewards;
Claim Rewards
This method allows a user to claim their lootbox rewards. This can be placed after the call for payment.
public async Task<LootboxRewards> ClaimRewards(string account)
var (_, receipt) = await contract.SendWithReceipt("claimRewards", new object[] { account });
var logs = receipt.Logs.Select(jToken => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<FilterLog>(jToken.ToString()));
var eventAbi = EventExtensions.GetEventABI<RewardsClaimedEvent>();
var eventLogs = logs
.Select(log => eventAbi.DecodeEvent<RewardsClaimedEvent>(log))
.Where(l => l != null);
if (!eventLogs.Any())
throw new Web3Exception("No \"RewardsClaimed\" events were found in log's receipt.");
return ExtractRewards(eventLogs);
LootboxRewards ExtractRewards(IEnumerable<EventLog<RewardsClaimedEvent>> eventLogs)
var rewards = LootboxRewards.Empty;
foreach (var eventLog in eventLogs)
var eventData = eventLog.Event;
var rewardType = rewardTypeByTokenAddress[eventData.TokenAddress];
switch (rewardType)
// Erc20 Tokens
case RewardType.Erc20:
rewards.Erc20Rewards.Add(new Erc20Reward
ContractAddress = eventData.TokenAddress,
AmountRaw = eventData.Amount,
// Erc721 NFTs
case RewardType.Erc721:
rewards.Erc721Rewards.Add(new Erc721Reward
ContractAddress = eventData.TokenAddress,
TokenId = eventData.TokenId,
// Erc1155 NFTs
case RewardType.Erc1155:
rewards.Erc1155Rewards.Add(new Erc1155Reward
ContractAddress = eventData.TokenAddress,
TokenId = eventData.TokenId,
Amount = eventData.Amount,
// Single Erc1155 NFT
case RewardType.Erc1155Nft:
rewards.Erc1155NftRewards.Add(new Erc1155NftReward
ContractAddress = eventData.TokenAddress,
TokenId = eventData.TokenId,
case RewardType.Unset:
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();
return rewards;
Open Lootbox
This method allows a user to open a lootbox. This should be called last after all of the payment steps have been completed.
public async Task OpenLootbox(uint lootboxType, uint lootboxCount = 1)
var rewardCount = lootboxType * lootboxCount;
var openPrice = await CalculateOpenPrice(lootboxCount, lootboxCount);
await contract.Send(
new object[] { 50000 + GasPerUnit * rewardCount, new[] { lootboxType }, new[] { lootboxCount } },
new TransactionRequest { Value = new HexBigInteger(openPrice) });
Lootbox Example Scene
We have an example scene setup if you want to check it out. It goes through different lootbox rarities and allows you to see what happens during the lootbox process. This will be converted to an addon for modularization purposes and a prefab for ease of use. For now you can check the example scene by cloning the lootboxes branch of the SDK and opening up assets/lootboxes/Lootboxes/LootBoxes.scene.
Setting Up A Local Node For Testing With The Example Scene
Once you've cloned the contracts repo, go ahead and run npm run node
to boot up a local chain.
After this node is active you can open up another terminal and run npm run hardhat -- devsetup
to initialize everything.
If you check the node window you can see everything that's happening during this process. Once complete, hit play within unity on the lootbox example scene and you'll be presented with a nice display area to test out. Here you can check different rarity levels of each lootbox and what they may contain as well as some great animations to go along with it.
Opening LootBoxes & Rarity
Now in Unity you can click play and interact with the lootboxes. You can switch between different lootboxes using the keys "A" and "D" and switch between rarity using "W" and "S"
Once you find your box, select it by pressing "space" key and open it by pressing "enter" key. You need to wait a little bit on the Unity scene so the transaction goes through
Next, in the terminal, run npx hardhat compile
and then npm run hardhat -- fulfill
to manually open the lootboxes.
Go back to Unity and the lootboxes will be ready to open
Click on the lootbox and you will receive the rewards!
We hope you enjoy bringing our new feature to life! We've found it's a great way to easily offer virtual items to any and all users with a gamified feel.
When building the Lootbox Sample Scene, just make it a 0th scene in the build index. If you want to build the auth sample, make SampleLogin 0th index and then build. Since we don't support (yet) running both samples (so auth and Lootboxes) at the same time, and that can cause some unexpected behavior, especially on Lootbox scene.