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EVM Blockchain

Block number

Get the current latest block number

string chain = "ethereum";
string network = "mainnet"; // mainnet ropsten kovan rinkeby goerli

int blockNumber = await EVM.BlockNumber(chain, network);
print(blockNumber); Some code

Gas Price

Get the current gas price for a transaction based on chain / network and rpc.

string chain = "ethereum"; // ethereum bsc cronos
string network = "goerli"; // mainnet kovan goerli
string rpc = ""; // network rpc

string gasPrice = await EVM.GasPrice(chain, network, rpc);

Gas Limit

Get the current gas limit for a transaction based on chain / network and rpc.

string chain = "ethereum"; // ethereum bsc cronos
string network = "goerli"; // mainnet kovan goerli
string rpc = ""; // network rpc
string to = "0xdD4c825203f97984e7867F11eeCc813A036089D1"; // acount to send to
string Value = "0"; // value to send in wei
string data = await EVM.CreateContractData(abi, method, args);
//string from = PlayerPrefs.GetString("Account"); // optional parameter

string gaslimit = await EVM.GasLimit(chain, network, rpc, to, Value, data);

Balance Of

Get the balance of the native blockchain

string chain = "ethereum";
string network = "goerli"; // mainnet ropsten kovan rinkeby goerli
string account = "0xdD4c825203f97984e7867F11eeCc813A036089D1";

string balance = await EVM.BalanceOf(chain, network, account);


Verify a signed message.

string message = "YOUR_MESSAGE";
string signature = "0x94bdbebbd0180195b89721a55c3a436a194358c9b3c4eafd22484085563ff55e49a4552904266a5b56662b280757f6aad3b2ab91509daceef4e5b3016afd34781b";

string address = await EVM.Verify(message, signature);

Transaction Status

string chain = "ethereum";
string network = "mainnet";
string transaction = "0x911d4ec9193e0dc14d9d034d88c311453112c5097f29c366ccc9c5e5bc7072e1";
// string rpc = "rpchere"; // optional parameter
// string txConfirmed = await EVM.TxStatus(chain, network, transaction, rpc); // use this if you need an rpc parameter
string txConfirmed = await EVM.TxStatus(chain, network, transaction);
print(txConfirmed); // success, fail, pending


string chain = "ethereum";
string network = "goerli";
string account = "0xdD4c825203f97984e7867F11eeCc813A036089D1";

string nonce = await EVM.Nonce(chain, network, account);

Convert WEI to ETH and ETH to WEI

float eth = float.Parse("0.1");
float decimals = 1000000000000000000; // 18 decimals
float wei = eth * decimals;

float wei = float.Parse("10123755");
float decimals = 1000000000000000000; // 18 decimals
float eth = wei / decimals;